Posts tagged pollinators
River-Friendly Landscaping Part 4: Creating Wildlife Habitat

Lions and tigers and bears - oh my! Although this may be what comes to mind when thinking of creating wildlife habitat, for obvious reasons we don’t want to attract big wildlife like black bears and mountain lions into our yards. But that doesn’t mean we can’t make room for some smaller wildlife, like beneficial insects. There’s plenty of room in your yard to share with these little guys. And, did you know that it’s National Pollinator Week? So for this, the fourth in our River-Friendly Landscaping Series, we’re talking pollinators! Why are pollinators important? Well, firstly because pollinators help feed us! Many of the foods you eat every day are made possible because of the hard work of pollinators - avocados, blueberries, tomatoes, chocolate, and bananas, just to name…

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