Survey results (so far!)

If you're following us on social media, or have taken a look at our main website page lately, you know that we're advertising a survey like crazy. If you've taken it, thank you; if you haven't, please do so!The survey quite literally takes two minutes to fill out, and asks briefly about the user's experience with the Truckee River (how often the user goes, what the user does, what the user thinks are issues with the river, etc.).By hounding away at people on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, we've gotten some really wonderful and insightful comments! Posted below are pie graphs of what people have input so far.

  1. Why do you love the Truckee River? Check as many as apply.Why do you love the TR
  2. How often do you go to the Truckee River?How often do you go to the TR
  3. In your opinion, what are the top three issues facing the Truckee River? Please check three options.Top three issues